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ENERGy Management


Luqas Charging Hub (LQSCH20SA)

Discover the Luqas Charging Hub: an advanced load balancing solution capable of managing up to 20 charging points. This innovative module makes charging multiple electric vehicles at a charging plaza simpler and more efficient.


The module can also seamlessly control additional devices such as a heat pump or boiler. It operates either stand-alone or in combination with a Qbus controller. Visualization and control are managed via the user-friendly Qbus Control Cloud and app.



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RoomMate Room Controller (RMT/x)



Introducing the RoomMate, the intuitive control panel for the Qbus system.


This user-friendly room controller features a customizable four-inch display and offers the following functions:


  • Built-in temperature sensor, proximity sensor, and can be used as a room thermostat.
  • One RoomMate replaces multiple switches and can also be used as a doorbell.
  • Supports up to 20 different controls such as switching, dimmers, thermostat, and ambiance settings.
  • Easy to connect to the Qbus bus and to install using a standard flush-mounted box with claw or screw fixtures.
  • Available in five different finishes. Standard: Black, White, and Alu. Also available with a brass frame in Brushed Brass and Classic Bronze.


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