Controller for 10 Qbus modules (expandable) power supply and Qbus Cloud included. (CTD10)
Controller Expansion Card for 15 extra Qbus modules (EXP15)
Controller for 40 Qbus modules (expandable) power supply and Qbus Cloud included. (CTD40)
Controller max for 2 x 75 Qbus modules power supply and Qbus Cloud included. (CTDmax)
Four channels (Stand- Alone) analogue control module for dimming and/or switching (ANR04SA)
Decentralised one channel analogue dimmer (ANA01)
Four channels (Stand- Alone) universal dimmer (DIM04SA)
Two channels (Stand- Alone) universal dimmer (DIM02SA)
Stand-Alone DALI Broadcast Module (QDBC02SA)
Universal LED dimmer 4 channels (CVD04SA)
Qbus Dali Master (QDM01)
Qbus DALI 4 Groups dimmer (QDG04SA)
Decentralised module with 2 inputs (INP02)
Decentralised module with 4 inputs (INP04)
DIN rail module with 8 potential free inputs (INP08)
DIN rail module with 16 potential free inputs (INP16)
Qbus Wireless Easywave input module (battery-powered) for 4 buttons (QWE-INP04/bat)
Qbus Wireless 2-channel flush-mounted transmitter (QWE-INP02/230)
Qbus Wireless Easywave door/window contact white (QWE-MC01/white)
Input module for 2 analog inputs (INA02)
4-button Niko (SWC04/x)
4-button Niko with integrated temperature sensor
4-button Niko with motion detector
4-button with integrated temperature sensor and motion detector
1/2 Niko No-Button (SWC0102/NNB)
**End Of Life** 4-button Bticino Light
**End Of Life** 4-button Bticino Light with temperature sensor
**End Of Life** 4-button Bticino Light with motion detector
**End Of Life** 4-button Bticino Light with temperature sensor and motion detector
Smart switches CJC
2-button Tastu with temperature sensor
4-button Tastu with temperature sensor
**End Of Life** 1-button Tastu (SWC01/GW - SWC01/GB)
4-button Tastu
2-button Tastu
Qbus Wireless Easywave hand transmitter 4 buttons, metal bracket (QWE-RC04/metal)
Qbus Wireless Easywave hand transmitter 1 button anthracite red button (QWE-RC01/pulse)
Mini motion detector with white sensor or black sensor
(End Of Life) Mini motion detector with sensor in metal frame for ceiling assembly
Swivelling motion detector in white metal frame
Swivelling motion detector in Niko design
Swivelling motion detector in Bticino design
(End of Life) Air quality sensor with CO2 and/or humidity and/or temperature sensor
Temperature sensor
Temperature sensor with NTC sensor on a 55cm long cable
Central plate with a drilled hole for the SEN01T temperature sensor
Niko central plate with a drilled hole for the SEN01M motion detectors
Qbus Dali Sensor
Qbus Dali Sensor "high bay"
Motion, light & temperature sensor
Qbus weather station (QWS/P04)
Pack with an analogue input module with 1 or 2 sensor(s) for fluid level measuring (SENPACK/1LEVEL; SENPACK/2LEVEL
**NEW** Smart motion and light sensor (SENMoLi)
**NEW** Smart sensor for motion, light, and air quality (SENMAX)
Smart Impulse Relay (REL04SA)
Set of 4x REL04SA (REL04SA/SET4)
Decentral relay module 2 channel (REL02)**NEW
8 channel DIN rail relay module (REL08)
Qbus Wireless Easywave power plug ON/OFF 230V (Belgian version) (QWE-PP01/BE)
Qbus Flush-mounted wireless Easywave relay 10A potential free (QWE-REL01/230PF)
**NEW**Pump group module for 1 pump group
Two channels (Stand- Alone) universal dimmer (DIM02SA)
Four channels (Stand- Alone) universal dimmer (DIM04SA)
Stand-Alone DALI Broadcast Module (QDBC02SA)
Four channels (Stand- Alone) analogue control module for dimming and/or switching (ANR04SA)
Universal LED dimmer 4 channels (CVD04SA)
Qbus DALI 4 Groups dimmer (QDG04SA)
Start to Qbus Pack (1xCTD10, 3xREL04SA, 1xDIM02SA)
Qbus wireless Interface (QWI/EW)
Qbus Wireless 2-channel flush-mounted transmitter (QWE-INP02/230)
Qbus Wireless Easywave input module (battery-powered) for 4 buttons (QWE-INP04/bat)
Qbus Wireless Easywave hand transmitter 4 buttons, metal bracket (QWE-RC04/metal)
Qbus Wireless Easywave hand transmitter 1 button anthracite red button (QWE-RC01/pulse)
Qbus Flush-mounted wireless Easywave relay 10A 230V (QWE-REL01/230)
Qbus Flush-mounted wireless Easywave relay 10A potential free (QWE-REL01/230PF)
Qbus Wireless Easywave door/window contact white (QWE-MC01/white)
Qbus Wireless Easywave power plug ON/OFF 230V (Belgian version)
Qbus wireless Easywave Qbus wireless motor control module 230V (QWE-ROL01/230)
**NEW** Qbus Wireless Interface – Zigbee (QWI/ZB)
**NEW** Qbus wireless Zigbee thermostatic valve for radiators (QWZ-RAD)
**NEW** Qbus wireless Zigbee relay (QWZ-REL02/230)
**NEW** Qbus wireless socket with energy measurement (Belgian version) (QWZ-PPE/BE)
**NEW** Qbus wireless Zigbee thermostat flush-mount (QWZ-TH)
**NEW** Niko® Wireless Zigbee® switch with battery
**NEW** Niko® Connected Zigbee® switch with 230V power supply
**NEW** Niko® Connected switchable Zigbee® socket with 230V power supply
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