14 September 2022 - By Ruben

New in the qbus DALI Range: Stand-alone DALI DImmer for 4 groups on 1 DALI circuit


In the world of lighting, there has been an emergence of various dimming technologies in recent years. As DALI is becoming increasingly common, including in residential projects, Qbus is further investing in its DALI range. This is to offer a simple and affordable solution for controlling these luminaires.


But which DALI modules does Qbus have? What can these modules do and how do I choose the right one for a project? 


Don't worry, we explain it briefly and to the point below.


Stand-Alone DALI Broadcast module (QDBC02SA)


Are one or two luminaires in a home DALI-controlled? The Stand-Alone DALI Broadcast module offers a solution. With the Stand-Alone DALI broadcast module (QDBC02SA), a maximum of 64 DALI luminaires distributed over two DALI circuits can be dimmed using standard pushbuttons. All luminaires respond in the same way.


DALI Master Module (QDM01)

Are there several DALI luminaires that need to be dimmed individually or in groups? With the Qbus DALI Master module (QDM01), you have a good solution. The din-rail module can link up to 64 DALI luminaires divided into 64 fixtures and 16 groups with the Qbus system.


And now we are proud to present our latest addition... the Qbus DALI Groups Dimmer


The new Qbus DALI Groups Dimmer (QDG04SA) offers a solution in installations where a number of groups need to be controlled on 1 DALI circuit, and where there is no need for a full DALI Master module with a Controller. The Stand-Alone DALI group dimmer makes it possible to divide up to 64 drivers into 4 groups in a simple, affordable way. This is the ideal solution for track systems with several luminaires - and all without any programming or app. Plug in, push the button, dim.


Want to know more? Discover the entire Qbus Dimmer range or watch the DALI video.


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