28 May 2024 - By Julie

Save on costs and gain comfort with EMS Luqas


With the world becoming increasingly electric, we are seeing a logical rise in our electricity costs. If you prefer to save energy and pay less, an energy management system (EMS) like Luqas is worth considering.


The benefits of the smart energy manager do not go unnoticed. Luqas is now a little over one year old and already helps many families gain more control over their energy bills.


David Pirson, Qbus Sales Engineer for Wallonia, shares his insights on the operation and benefits of Luqas in the winter edition of Cebeo Home & Building.



Energy management is a hot topic today. In the past, people only had solar panels, but now more and more homes have additional energy components such as heat pumps, charging stations, inverters, and batteries. The number of electrical devices in homes is increasing, making it practically impossible to manually track your energy consumption.


“Luqas is a handy tool for managing your energy,” says David. “The system measures your energy consumption in detail, identifies possible optimizations, and schedules them immediately. This way, you become much more aware of your own consumption and optimize the balance between consumption and production.”




Luqas smartly controls the main energy consumers in your home. It allows devices such as heat pumps and charging stations to operate when there is sunlight and shuts them off when more energy is being demanded than is being produced at that moment.


Luqas also predicts quarter-hour peaks. If an exceedance of these peaks is predicted, Luqas will reduce the power of the heat pump and the charging station and, if necessary, send a message to the user so they can take further action.


The evolution of Luqas


Luqas helps to smartly and efficiently manage the energy production and consumption of your home. Recently, we have expanded the system with ecological and economic algorithms. This expansion includes weather forecasts and consumption predictions, allowing for accurate energy consumption forecasting.


How are these predictions made? Dynamic energy contracts have variable rates per hour. These are combined with weather forecasts for solar energy output and data from Luqas. This way, we predict energy consumption more accurately. Thanks to AI, we propose optimal energy consumption schedules to Luqas users.



In practice, electric cars are efficiently charged during periods of low rates and abundant solar energy. The heat pump receives signals when it is advantageous to store extra heat.


The Luqas module is fully prepared to evolve with the energy landscape. It uses dynamic rates, weather forecasts, and will soon be compatible with batteries and inverters. This way, we contribute to a more sustainable and comfortable future for everyone.



Thanks to the energy slider, you, as the end user, have full control over your energy consumption, with alerts for overconsumption or peak usage. Through the Qbus Control environment, app, or PC, you can easily monitor everything with live visualization. "Luqas visualizes energy flows in the application and provides notifications to intervene quickly if necessary," adds David.


The benefits of Luqas are clear: energy and cost savings, improved CO2 emissions, and the ability to create an effective action plan based on consumption data. Any house with a digital meter can install a Luqas. An EMS works in both a classic installation and in combination with tele-routers or a Qbus installation.




Want to know more about Luqas? You can find all the information about Luqas in the ​​​​​​leaflet.


Thanks to Cebeo for the interview. Read the full article in Cebeo Home & Building Winter 2024.

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